Meeting Notice - Tuesday April 14, 2015
"Create cross-platform apps using XAML" by Shawn Kendrot
Find out how you can create Cross-platform apps using XAML as the UI for all platforms!
This session will dive into Xamarin.Forms, a new addition to Xamarin that allows developers to create Cross-platform applications using C# and XAML across all platforms.
Bio: Shawn Kendrot [blog] [twitter] [linkedin]
Shawn Kendrot is a Microsoft MVP in Windows Platform Development with a love for all things XAML. Shawn has been building mobile apps for three years and started using Xamarin.Forms when it was released.
Meeting Details: The meeting will start promptly at 6:00 PM. Food and prizes are provided.
MEETING LOCATION: Epicentral (Downtown Colorado Springs). View location details (link).
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